Friday, February 5, 2010

Music For The Gods- The Fahnestock South Sea Expedition: Indonesia

Antique gamelan and other folk forms originally recorded on aluminum discs by Bruce Fahnestock and Sheridan Fahnestock on the Islands of Java, Bali & Sumatra in 1941. Hypnotizing.

Media Fire Download Link: Music For The Gods
1. Taboehgan
2. Sekarinotan
3. Pedat - Tongtong
4. Genderan
5. Pemoengkah - Gender Wayang Pemarwan
6. Kerejing - Arjasa
7. Laghoe Dindang
8. Merkngila
9. Gambang
10. Kecak
11. Abimenijoe - Gender Wayang Pemarwan
12. Gambangan
13. Danding Gendis

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