Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Lemchaheb- S/T (Polydor, 1978) لمشاهب

Excellent self-titled 1978 LP from Moroccan psych-folk group, Lemchaheb.

Download Link: Lemchaheb- S/T (Polydor, 1978) لمشاهب

1 El Aarabe
2 Tbayaa Nass
3 Takassime (1)
4 Khlili
5 Mouwalna
6 Takassime (2)


  1. baque from the dead w/ a mufuggin vengeance kid! this hear is why you're the ghost. comin correct out the cut w/ the crazed up ubskuro enthnique psych plunderage. ressurect son. supa sikh!

  2. Beautiful music. I love Lemchaheb. Thanks
