Friday, June 11, 2010

Dion McGregor- The Dream World of Dion McGregor & The Further Somniloquies

Dion McGregor was the world's most notorious sleep-talker. Recorded here are some of the craziest, creepiest dreams imaginable. Some folks like to hate on this guy because they think its all faked. If that were true, I honestly believe I'd be even more impressed. Incredible....FYI, Tzadik's Dion McGregor Dreams Again is another excellent collection of his stuff.

"Our Town"

"Food Roulette"

"Horseshoe Crab"

Mediafire Download Links:
The Dream World of Dion McGregor
Dion McGregor- The Further Somniloquies


  1. It is very, very important to play all three sound samples at the same time.

  2. These are amazing - thank you!

    I am so creeped out....

  3. ... and now for something completely different :-)

    That sounds interesting, to say the least. Thank you !

  4. any chance of a reupload?
    Thanks for all the splendid recordings! I'm eternally indebted.

  5. any chance of a reupload?
    Thanks for all the splendid recordings! I'm eternally indebted.
