Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Moondog & His Honking Geese + Pastoral Suite / Surf Session

Some 50's era Moondog EPs. Pastoral Suite / Surf Session was one of those recorded on the streets of NYC. These have sure matched nicely with my coffee this fine morning.

Mediafire Download Links: Moondog & His Honking Geese + Pastoral Suite / Surf Session

Moondog & His Honking Geese
Rabbit Hop
Dog Trot
Single Foot

Pastoral Suite / Surf Session
Before The Storm
The Storm
After The Storm
Snaketime Rhythms
Recorded Soliloquy


  1. honkingeese = me fav moondog 10"

  2. Is track 3 missing from Pastoral Suite/Surf Session? It doesn't seem to be there when I extract the zip file...

  3. I'm sure you'll have heard of Mr. Scruff, he's pretty big in England, but if not he did a good remix of my favourite moondog song, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MS_CLIF1h-o. I've not heard these two albums though so cheers.

  4. Lovely stuff this - many thanks for the continued excellence.

    Minor note though: Sounds like the Honking Geese EP is playing at 33 instead of 45 - it did take me a while to figure out the right speed meself, had to check Moondogs Corner to make sure.

    Thanks none the less!

  5. moondog & his honking geese sounds amazing as you have it up, but is it maybe at the wrong speed (on 33 when it should be 45)? it's a nice discovery if so...

  6. Mediafire blow dick. They've been pulling down everyone's files. Would have of loved to hear Pastoral Suite/Surf Session but thanks for the effort though. I slept on this one.
