Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Street Muse documentary, featuring Gull

My good friends Nate Rappole (Gull) & Len Albright are in the home stretch for Kickstarting their Street Muse documentary project in East Africa. Fingers crossed...They've got four days left to raise just under $5,000 to make it happen. Check the rundown:

"The Street Muse Project is a documentary project exploring the culture of street and public music around the World. This component of the project will document street performances in Africa. In addition, Gull will perform on the street throughout the project as an offering and thank you to those who are sharing their talents and energy with us. The documentary will be the first in a series.

Why Street Music?

Have you ever stopped and listened to a street musician, maybe given them a dollar, and wondered about their story? What are their musical influences? What can their life and art open to you about the World? That's the goal of the Street Muse capture and share these stories and use them as a springboard for education. Many countries in East and West Africa are facing incredible humanitarian and political challenges. We see public music as a way to help inspire education and foster a sense of mutual humanity.

Over the last 5 years Gull (Nate Rappole) has been performing as a street musician across much of the United States and Mexico. He is known for his percussion project that involves the simultaneous playing of the drums and guitar. Through his travels, Nate has come to see the importance of street music as a public display of emotion and how it can be used to break down social barriers and constraints. The street can serve as a public venue for artistic experimentation and social/political creativity. In the Spring of 2011, Nate was joined on a tour of the American South by Len Albright, who had recently completed a PhD in urban sociology. They discussed the possibility of interviewing musicians on the streets in other parts of the world and how the sharing of this could open pathways for creative politics and experiences across the globe. The Street Muse Project was born." (More here)

1 comment:

  1. Muito boa postagem, conheci esse acara ha alguns anos atraves do ghostCapital e procurei mais informações sobre ele e achei o trabalho do cara muito interessante e real, feito com energia e determinação.
    Sendo conveninete gostaria que postassem o link para download da Demo da banda Baiana de Rock ALICE NO PAIS DO LSD que está disponivel em:

