Holy wow! I've been holding out years now for even a passable rip of Memory Lane; Assyrian singer Jermain Tamraz's astonishing early hits collection. Well, last night, an anonymous reader laid a primo 320 vinyl rip in the comments section of an older Tamraz post. What a gift! Eternal thanks to anonymous. Highest recommendation, folks. Enjoy.
My next order of related business is to secure even a brief synopisis of Tamraz's biography, career & discography. Any assistance with this would be deeply appreciated. Also, anyone know where might I find a copy of Tamraz's name in Syriac script?
*Turns out "Moumita" is the name of the track with the "Unknown Title" from Sublime Frequencies' I Remember Syria cd:
Download Link: Jermain Tamraz- Memory Lane (198x) *Re-upped 7/20/12
1 Ley Ley
2 Moumita
3 Rakava
4 Doranie Savanie
5 Yema Attor
6 Prashita
7 Shimokh Khelia
8 Ta Patkhan Tarea Dvira
9 Kharabit Ninveh
10 Khaima Gerhcha, Khaima Bikhya
11 Doogle Shapireh
I've just noticed some kind of "redirect loop" that seems to be causing trouble with anonymous' orig mediafire link. I am re-upping to multiupload right this second....
the link is fixed!
This is just tremendous. Thank you... and thanks to the ripper!
finally. thx kids
this is stunning. Thank you so much. I love your horizon-expanding blog.
I just spent the first part of my Saturday morning enjoying this. And wow. I'm utterly enchanted with this.
I seriously crave more from her.
Far out!
i am in more love with this everyday!
thank you!
O wow. I loved the previous post's droppings most dearly do I look forward to the majesty within this newness.
Thanks to whoever. You're a saint.
Pure Addiction - Thanks
It's a rare treat to hear this language in pop music.
The link to the ripped album doesn't work. Can I please get the MP3's somehow to this album?
my affection couldn't be struck more intensely burning like a flame on the cold mountain top.
there's little making me as happy as merry melodies in a surprising fashion.
kind regards
Thanks a lot for this upload! Jermain Tamraz in the Syriac script is ܓܪܡܝܢ ܬܡܪܙ
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