You can grab the free, nice quality downloads of Klaus Röder's complete recorded works straight from his website. Worth a listen if you're at all interested in experimental synths or musique concrète.
Says Miramoglu:
"i came across röder’s two 70s self-issued lps a few years back & was completely floored ; his “crystallisations” (extensively edit-oriented musics, often using a single sound-source) display a kind of micro-assemblage prowess that pre-dates the likes of squarepusher et.al by a few decades (seriously, the rhythmic scale of some of that stuff is almost hard to believe) ... not knowing much about röder, i was surprised to learn that he was the guitarist on kraftwerk’s “autobahn” (briefly touring with the band that year before rolf & florian cleaned house & hired wolfgang flür & karl bartos) ... what a life !!!
klaus röder is by necessity an inventor. systems, machines, treatments, everything is (hand)made to provoke, to induce a musical result not only technically superb but loaded with the author's intimacy: humour, sound elements of a private life, a kid giggling,... indeed a highly emotional and poetical approach."
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