"After a substantial work, we’ve finally wrapped up the first official release from SahelSounds. In collaboration with Mississippi Records, the record Ishilan N-Tenere features contemporary guitar music from three ethnic regions of the Sahel — Fouta Toro, the Niger Buckle, and Adrar D’Ifoghas:
“This compilation highlights recordings of local guitar bands in three areas of modern day Senegal and Mali. These bands are almost unknown outside of their homes but have a devoted local following. They play all events, celebratory or political. Their songs are folk anthems, hummed under the breath and chanted by children, traded by cassette and transferred by cellphone. The guitar bands are the pride of their towns.”
The release is available on vinyl only, the first pressing limited to 2,000 copies, and features a 12 page full color booklet and extensive liner notes written by yours truly.
I strongly believe digital music should be free. However, the option to support the artists is provided should one be so inclined. Much of the music was once featured here on the site, but I’ve also made it available with a sliding scale price beginning at $2, but with the option to go much higher (for the sake of transparency Bandcamp takes a cut and the remaining profit is split 60% to the artists and 40% for SahelSounds).
Download the album at Bandcamp."
sweet music! thank you!
The whole "limited pressing" shtick is pretty aggravating IMHO. If you do that, then don't bellyache when the rest of the gang goes the multi-mega-rapid-media what have you route and stiffs the artists for any unplanned popularity... Have a second (or >>) pressing available fer cryin' out loud~!
@anonymous- looks to me like this ishlihan release & its bandcamp option addresses that issue quite nicely....
er, perhaps I shouldn't have said limited. Limited in the sense that there's only currently 2000. If it sells out, it will be repressed.
I actually went and bought this from the site. Sounds really good. Thanks nicholab
man this is the shi! im in love!
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