if my manifestation over yon is rad at all, it's only cuz venerable outfits like ghostcapital showed me the way. this a is a dam fine record btw. just dropping by to say top o' the morn & wanted to make sure u seen this, as i had missed it until only recently. somethymes its difficult to navigate prog not frog, but they got more nigerian psych funk in the nooks & crannies. what's funny is in the second track 'devil's gonna getcha' dude says something like 'evil blogger, yur evil ways, make u feel so happy'. pretty funny schtufff. lives hear tirogo - float [1977,nigeria] link----> http://lix.in/-7a456a http://prognotfrog.blogspot.com/2010/03/tirogo-float-nigeria-1977-afrro.html
i come to your blog first by a book ("rohstoffe" by erklärung von bern, ngo) over swiss holdings making a hellmoney out of sambia and polluting everything; writing in there about a film over sambia, "zambie, a qui profite le cuivre". while i was crying watching all this injustice, in the background there was this fantastic music. searched for it and found your blog. so thanks, my friend. and fucking fuck glencore, polluting for money lives and land.
if my manifestation over yon is rad at all, it's only cuz venerable outfits like ghostcapital showed me the way. this a is a dam fine record btw. just dropping by to say top o' the morn & wanted to make sure u seen this, as i had missed it until only recently. somethymes its difficult to navigate prog not frog, but they got more nigerian psych funk in the nooks & crannies. what's funny is in the second track 'devil's gonna getcha' dude says something like 'evil blogger, yur evil ways, make u feel so happy'. pretty funny schtufff. lives hear
tirogo - float [1977,nigeria]
link----> http://lix.in/-7a456a
wonderful please re-up, link is not working
i come to your blog first by a book ("rohstoffe" by erklärung von bern, ngo) over swiss holdings making a hellmoney out of sambia and polluting everything; writing in there about a film over sambia, "zambie, a qui profite le cuivre". while i was crying watching all this injustice, in the background there was this fantastic music. searched for it and found your blog. so thanks, my friend. and fucking fuck glencore, polluting for money lives and land.
The Artwork is tough, gonna check the music now. Peace.
'The Peace' has quickly become one of my favorite bands - thank you for this post
Je télécharge en ce moment même.
J'ai hâte de jeter une oreille dessus.
C'est exactement ce que j'ai envie d'écouter.
Merci beaucoup.
Funky Fred From France
Ive had a much worse vinyl rip of this album for a while.. Thanks for the upgrade!!
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